Mysql database view is known as a “virtual table”. virtual table created by a query by joining one or more tables. By Virtual, we mean, the tables do not store any data of their own but display data of other tables. In other simple words, VIEWS are nothing but SELECT Queries.
Create View Syntax:
CREATE VIEW[OR REPLACE] my_view_name AS SELECT columnname1, columnname2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;
Sample example of create and call view Ex : CREATE VIEW employee_view AS SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName FROM Tbl_Employee WHERE Gender = "Female"; Try It Now
Views are nothing but SELECT Queries.
CREATE VIEW employee_view AS SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName FROM Tbl_Employee WHERE Gender = "Female"; SAME AS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName FROM Tbl_Employee WHERE Gender = "Female" ) x;
Drop view using-
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS <view_name>;
How to display the contents of a view?
SHOW CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name>; Ex : SHOW CREATE TRIGGER after_insert_trigger; Try It Now
Show list of views in Database-
Advantages of views:
- View the data without storing the data into the object.
- You can restrict users to the view instead of the underlying table(s), thereby enhancing security.
- Join two or more tables and show it as one object to user.
- Restict the access of a table so that nobody can insert the rows into the table.
- Simply If we are having complex queries with joins etc you can make and put in view and use that view where need of reusing it.